
Nik collection 4 update
Nik collection 4 update

nik collection 4 update nik collection 4 update

This feature now includes fewer sliders, making the applied effect easier to view, and can be renamed so users can craft an optimized workflow experience. Lastly, Control Points have been made easier to use than ever.

nik collection 4 update

Users can not only select the colour they want to change, but also adjust the tolerance of similar colour hues. U Point technology also includes a new Colour Tolerance setting so photographers can regulate the saturation of a specific tone range. For example, users can choose to apply a colour effect as well as a blurred background to several portraits. That means photographers can apply a similar style to several images while still preserving a specific area.

nik collection 4 update

Nik Collection 4 now makes it possible to incorporate Control Points into personalized presets. U Point technology, the first system to allow users to apply local adjustments without masks, has expanded photo editing. That means photographers can concentrate on the essentials-expressing their creativity. They also allow users to directly access all available presets, filter for type and favourites more seamlessly, and identify tools more easily through its newly redesigned palettes. Both plugins now feature a modern interface that is more beautiful and functional than ever. The easy-to-use design of the software plugins Nik Viveza, dedicated to tone and colour local adjustments, and Nik Silver Efex, the ultimate solution for black-and-white conversion, has been completely revamped to offer an optimal user experience. A new, user-friendly design for an even more thrilling experience

Nik collection 4 update